Ghada and Maha have been teaching the children of the Christian sector of the Beach Camp in Gaza for at least five years. They are both residence of the camp which consists of 24 families who are mostly Orthodox Christians. Ghada and Maha are both Latin Catholics and so they adopt their lessons to the Orthodox majority among the children. Ghada has studied Theology at Bethlehem University which is run by the Christian Brothers. Therese is an elementary teacher at the parish school and a mother of five children.

Intergrading into the lessons from scripture the two teachers use art work, baking for the preparation for feasts and outings. The parents are asked to participate at the big feasts to involve all the residence of the camp. The Little Sisters of Charles De Foucauld offer their large room for the occasions of the major feasts when the family joins in the fun. The Sisters continue to be very supportive of the activities offered by the two teachers. Fr. Manuel also appreciates the untiring energy given to the children by Ghada and Maha.

Many of the children cannot afford to go to the parish school and therefore go to public school which gives Islamic training and values. It is therefore very important that these 30 or 40 children receive a Catholic/Orthodox education and Christian values to be able to live as a minority people among a large and often aggressive Muslim majority.

We are proud of these two women who work against the odds to keep Christianity alive in the Christian section of Beach Camp, one of the largest refugee camps in Gaza. Monthly we finance their activities and give a small salary to each teacher.
(pictures of activities of february 2008)
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