Saturday, June 13, 2009

Meeting and dinner at the brothers june 13, 2009

All of us were present most likely due to the chance to enjoy Lorenzo's macaroni! Fr. Thomas Bahmer joined us for the first time and was unanimously voted in as a new member of our team. Welcome Thomas, your humor enlivened the sharing! Gradually your other talents will be tapped. Since we were all present there is no need to write up all of the meeting.
Yet here are the decisions which we made:

Lorenzo and Andres will work with Fr. Jorge.
Jean will work with the schools and summer camps.
Lorenzo does the accounts
Andres website and co ordinations
I will continue to work with the food program.

I thank the Brothers for their hospitality and all of you for your active participation. We may not meet again for some time. May those of you traveling have a great summer with family, community and friends!
Sr. Susan Sheehan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to know about your meeting. Few days back I attended an office dinner party at one of corporate event venues San Francisco where everything was organized perfectly and everything was planned by corporate event planners. Really liked their service and enjoyed the day.