Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Period of the first Cease Fire

With several days to get help to the homeless Sabah, Wassel and her friends contacted shops in several regions to get water and food to families. The shop receives a list of names of our families and the families come for the 15 items, which a family member had to sign for.

They are canned foods and things that do not need cooking as the families have no way to cook and with only one hour of electricityand no gas. Food had become very expensive due to the blockade. They have little water as water must be pumped to the roof to be stored.

Families have little water neither to wash themselves with nor to wash their cloths. Sheet and blanket tied up near their damaged homes make some type of shelter from the sun for them. The pictures show you how the families have found their homes destroyed. Br. Lorenzo, one of our team is pictures with a blue shirt.

Sister Susan

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